Your WHMA membership is a valuable investment in you, your company and the industry. WHMA members believe that participation is the key to the success on their return on investment. They connect with member companies to solve both their specific problems and also address pressing industry problems.

Manufacturer BenefitsSupplier Benefits
The Wiring Harness Manufacturer’s Association is committed to educating member organizations in making well-informed decisions and maintaining global competitiveness by providing services and industry support. WHMA also encourages our members to distribute all communication to individuals within their companies; a well-informed, engaged and connected company equals member’s success.

“Wiring Harness Manufacturer’s Association is the ONLY trade association exclusively representing the cable and wiring harness manufacturing industry including manufacturers, their suppliers and customers.”

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CONNECT with Leading Industry Suppliers
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“Our membership in WHMA gives us the opportunity to stay abreast of best practices, create relationships with the leading suppliers to our industry and network with our peers on the challenges we face on a daily basis.  It has been a valuable resource that influences our company in many positive ways.”
Rick Bromm, Altex

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CONNECT with Leading Industry Manufacturers
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“The annual WHMA conference provides a unique opportunity to meet with a large number of existing and potential customers and more importantly an opportunity to network with the Wire Harness Manufacturing community.”
W. Adam Simms, Panduit